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Where did we come from and then where do we belong to...?
Where did we come from and then where do we belong to...?
2023, Installation, Size Variable
チャンコホイホイドンッパッパ チャンコホイホイドンッパッパ」。長府にある忌宮神社の創建は199年、弥生時代後期にあたる。「20~30mの孟宗竹を担ぎ「鬼石」を3周するお祭りは、1800年ほど前に第14代仲哀天皇が九州の熊襲(くまそ、南九州に居住した種族、熊本や鹿児島あたり、大和王権に抵抗した人々)や石見神楽の演目の一つとしても登場する新羅の塵輪を撃退し、塵輪の屍体を囲んで踊ったことを起源とする数方庭(すうほうてい)。学問の神様として祀られる菅原道真は、京都から九州へ左遷させられた途中に豊浦の津(長府)に数日滞在し、井戸に移る自分の顔を眺め、二度とこの地に戻ることはないと自画像を描かれた。その井戸は御影の井戸と呼ばれている。忌宮神社の飛地境内である二つの無人島(満珠島・干珠島)は、日本のアニミズム信仰である神道の神話では、初めて摂政として70年間君臨した神功皇后(仲哀天皇の皇后、西暦240年頃)が住吉大神の化身である龍神から授けられた二つの玉から生まれたという伝説がある。瀬戸内海に浮かぶ源平合戦の源氏の拠点とされた島々。
下関は海と船とは切っても切り離せない歴史や物語で溢れている。アートに助成する笹川財団の母体は、公益財団法人日本財団(旧名称:財団法人日本船舶振興会)という競艇の収益金をもとに様々な支援事業を行う団体。その競艇場のひとつ、Boat Race 下関の水面を疾走するボートレースを進められるがままに1-2-3と賭け、ビギナーズ・ラックにありついた帰り際、母親を背負った創業者の石像に立ち止まるのは私だけ。日本一の水揚げ量を誇った下関漁港を湯船から見渡せる割烹旅館 寿美礼。世界的音楽家、和田薫の生まれた寿美礼には、若い頃に作曲された楽譜「Hunting of Primitive Man」や「旅立ち」が展示されている。この土地で生まれ育ったからこその洞察力と感性がタイトルに滲み出ているように思えてならない。館内のところどころで流れてくる音に敏感になってしまう。
Each region has its own unique sayings, customs, habits, and beliefs. Some are created by nature, some by man, and some by the interplay between the two.
The Yayoi people, who came to Doigahama by boat from the distant continent, taught sophisticated rice cultivation and refining techniques to the Jomon people, who hunted and gathered and fired highly decorative earthenware. According to the Gishiwajinden, the Chinese history chronicle, the people of this region are described as being fond of drinking alcohol. The patterns on Yayoi earthenware are decorated with shell abysses. Human mask earthenware of the early Yayoi period has been excavated from the Wakamiya burial mounds and other Ayaragi burial mounds in this area. Their faces are in the shape of a human face from the neck up with tattoos and incised ears, and at the same time it can be inferred that they are wearing masks. The shells are special materials brought from distant seas by shamans, who wear them as magical ornaments. The excavations have now revealed a mass grave, where more than 300 people's human bones are buried, all with their heads facing southeast, as if they were looking northwest toward the sea, as if to indicate the direction from which their ancestors came. Shamans wearing accessories made of shells, which are only available in the southern sea, were buried more solemnly, and human bones with countless bows and arrows still stuck in them are said to be traces of the first war in the country's history. The Doigahama Anthropological Museum is now located there. In the precincts of Hikoshima Hachimangu Shrine, where the remains of Miyanohara from the pre- and post-Jomon period and the habitation of ancient people can be found, there are seven rocks collected from the neighborhood. One of them is a "swimming rock" found on the seabed of Ganryu Island that was believed to interfere with the navigation of ships. It is inscribed with the ancient Sumerian script petroglyphs and is believed to invoke mystical spiritual powers. Deciphering the seven collected rocks, it is said to be "dedicated to the Sun God, the Earth Goddess, the God of the Atmosphere, and the Heavenly Father God, to pray for rain that would bring a bountiful harvest, over the male and female deities, by the King of the Sun (King Hiko = King of ancient Hiko Island).
"Chanko hoi hoi doonppppa, chanko hoi hoi doonppa." The Iminomiya Shrine in Chofu was founded in 199, in the late Yayoi period. The festival called "Suhoteisai", in which people make three laps around a "devil's stone" carrying a 20-30 meter tall moso bamboo pole, is said to have originated from a festival held about 1,800 years ago when the 14th Emperor Chuai defeated the Kumaso (a tribe that lived in southern Kyushu, around Kumamoto and Kagoshima, who resisted the Yamato kingdom) and the Jinrin of Silla, which also appears as a part of the Iwami Kagura performance, and danced around the Jinrin's corpse. Sugawara Michizane, enshrined as the god of learning, stayed at Toyoura-no-tsu (Chofu) for a few days on his way left from Kyoto to Kyushu, where he looked at his face moving to a well and painted a self-portrait, saying he would never return to this place again. The well is called Mikage-no-Ido. The two uninhabited islands (Manju-jima and Kanju-jima), which are the enclave precincts of Iminomiya Shrine, are said to have been born from two balls given to Empress Jingu (Empress of Emperor Chuai, circa 240 AD) by the Dragon God, an incarnation of the great deity Sumiyoshi, who reigned for 70 years as the first regent in the mythology of Shinto, a Japanese animistic religion. Theses islands in the Seto Inland Sea were considered a stronghold of the Genji clan in the Genpei wars.
The Genpei War crossed Japan, flowing from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea to Dannoura at Shimonoseki, at the end of Honshu. In the final battle of the Genpei War, at Dannoura, the Heike clan was defeated when a nun named Nii No Ama, holding the six-year-old Emperor Antoku, said to him, "Even under the waves, there is a capital," and dived into the water to end their lives. The Heike Crab, which bears the legend that the ghosts of the defeated Heike clan are said to have taken over the crab, can be seen at the side of the main shrine of Akama Jingu Shrine, and the vibrations of the biwa strings of "Hoichi the Earless," also known by Koizumi Yakumo's "ghost story", or Lafcadio Hearn in Greek name, are floating beside it. There is a Genji Firefly Preservation Society on the Dangu River, which runs through the city of Chofu, and even now, when the season arrives, fireflies with a faint glow float here and there. Firefly boats that allow visitors to view these fireflies from a boat are available on the Koyagawa River in the mountains of Shimonoseki. Although the ecosystem on one side of the river has been destroyed by the revetment work, the graceful dance of the fireflies can still be seen. The majority of these fireflies are Genji fireflies, but sometimes Heike fireflies, which are smaller in size, can also be seen. Sesshu, who is recognized as Japan's national treasure more than any other Japanese artist, was patronized by the Ouchi clan and traveled to China on a Ming Dynasty ship to work as an interpreter while studying landscape painting in China, the home of ink painting. The Shinji garden behind the main building of Myoseiji Temple in Shimonoseki Kawatana is said to be one of the many Sesshu gardens in the prefecture.
The people who came across the sea changed their names according to the time and purpose of their visit. Sometimes they were called "Joseon missions" and came to Japan as emissaries of trust. They were diplomatic missions sent from Korea to Japan. Although they ceased for a time during Hideyoshi Toyotomi's invasion of Korea, they resumed during the Edo period (1603-1867) and came to convey the latest technology and knowledge from the continent and the Korean peninsula. Even the Bakan War is recalled by a cast-iron sculpture inscribed with a poem by Seicho Matsumoto that gives the impression as if a cannonball fired by the Choshu clan from the Kanmon Straits pierced the hull of a battleship of the four powerful nations of England, France, the Netherlands, and the United States. There is a waterspring at Kozanji Temple. It is said that the five feudal lords and their followers who resided in kozan-ji Temple at the end of the Edo period, as well as Shinsaku Takasugi, who raised an army in the Kaiten Gikyo campaign, loved to drink this famous water and prayed for their success. These warriors, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Meiji Restoration in pursuit of a new era, now rest in eternal peace at the Sakurayama Sacred Souls Memorial site with 391 graves of the Sacred Spirits. In 1895, Hirobumi Ito and others met with the Qing envoy Li Hongzhang and his fellows at Shunpanro, the first restaurant officially licensed to serve fugu (blowfish), where the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty was concluded in Shimonoseki. Later, in 1909, Hirobumi Ito was assassinated in Harbin, China by An Jung-geun from the Korean Empire. The Shimonoseki Nanbu-cho Post Office, the oldest existing post office, is a two-story brick and mortar building with a Western architectural design. Next to it is the former Akita Shokai building, a general trading company that made great strides during the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars. The former British Consulate in Shimonoseki still retains its gas lamps, reminding one of the phrase, "Bang your head and you will hear the sound of civilization blooming".
If rice cultivation was brought by the Yayoi people, what were the raw materials used to make the alcoholic beverages originally favored by the Jomon people? The brick chimney of the Shimonoseki Brewery recalls the Taisho period when it was founded. Rice liquor has somehow become a sacred drink and associated with Japanese religion, and is loved both in Japan and abroad. Inseparable from sake is the fisheries industry of the island nation of Japan. In the late Meiji period (1905-1912), Japan adopted the modern Norwegian whaling method, and Shimonoseki Port became a base for whaling in the Southern Ocean. If you walk through the city of Chofu toward the Seto Inland Sea, you will see a large whale-shaped building standing on a hill. It is the Whale Museum built by Taiyo Fishery (now Maruha Nichiro). It is hard to imagine now, but the Shimonoseki Aquarium was adjacent to the building. One of the public bathhouses that would have been a place of relaxation for workers engaged in the fishing industry, Koyo Onsen, is located in the same area as the former home of the Taiyo Whales, Professional Baseball Team. 272 bathhouses existed when the Prefectural Public Bath Industry Sanitation Association was established around 1957, but today there are only 12 exisiting. One can picture people sweating it out after a day at work or a baseball game.
The name "Chayama-dori" comes from the tea plantation that was originally located on the street. In the past, it was a busy shopping street where people used to come and go. Such a nostalgic scene is recreated in a scene from the movie "Curtain Call," which deals with Korean interlude performers living in Japan. The Zainichi Korean Christian Shimonoseki Church, which served as a spiritual home for these people, is a church for zainichi Koreans who gathered from all over Japan at the port of Shimonoseki in search of a way to return home. The Kanmon Tunnel, which connects this side of the sea to the other side, is a tunnel for pedestrians which connects Honshu and Kyushu under the sea, deeper than the seabed. Japan Post Co., Ltd. uses ships to carry people's mail and goods. The name of the ferry that arrives at and departs from Shimonoseki International Terminal to and from Busan is the Kanpu Ferry "Hamayu". Its flower name means "to somewhere far away". Set in Shimonoseki's Green Mall, "Summer of Chilsok" in Korean means "the summer of Tanabata" in Japanese, refering a time when high school students from Japan and Korea can meet only once a year. This hilly part of town is like a maze with countless small streets in chaos. The Shimonoseki Daiichi Building, completed in May 1977, is a building that evokes Showa modernism and vitality. The ground-floor stores facing the street still have their shutters closed, reminding us of the cutting-edge technology of the time.
Shimonoseki is full of history and stories that are inseparable from the sea and ships. The parent organization of the Sasakawa Foundation, which subsidizes art, is the Nippon Foundation (formerly known as the Japan Boat Racing Association), an organization that provides humanitarian projects with a variety of supports proceeded from boat races. After having a beginner's luck by betting 1-2-3 as the race proceeded through the Boat Race Shimonoseki's waterways, I was the only one to stop at the stone statue of the founder with his mother on his back on my way home. Kappo Ryokan Hotel Sumire overlooks the Shimonoseki fishing port, which boasted the largest catch of fish in Japan, from its bathtub. Sumire, where world-renowned musician Kaoru Wada was born, exhibits his music scores "Hunting of Primitive Man" and "Tabidachi" composed in his youth. The titles seem to exude the insight and sensitivity that comes from being born and raised in this area. I became sensitive to the sounds that are played in various places in the hotel.
The boatman waiting for the wind in Shimonoseki's Kanmon Strait, when the wind blows, does he look upwind or downwind...

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