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Attempts in nameless days...

スクリーンショット 2021-07-06 14.53.20.png




Attempts in nameless days...


Community Project




“Attempts in nameless days…” was a series of small attempts that involved cooperation to carry out self-imposed tasks, as well as suggested tasks. This project lasted for 1 month and each day at least one task was completed with the cooperator(s). All the tasks were simple but required some kind of cooperation. Each task was done roughly about 30 minutes to 1 hour in average. Also, the cost of each project was limited and up to 1000 yen (about US$10). About 85 tasks were listed up over a month and about half of them were successfully completed.

This project was based on three theories; “Valley Section” by Patrick Geddes, “the Law of Success” by Napoleon Hill and “Relational Aesthetics” by Nicholas Baurriaud. By referring to “Valley Section”, Suzuki explored various tools, occupations and the associating stories and items by different altitudes from seashore to mountain area. By “the Law of Success”, he wrote a plan and worked with cooperators with trials and errors to examine the power of imagination, writing and pragmatic approach to our world. And finally, by “Relational Aesthetics”, he created a unique situation for the audience/participants as artistic practice.

All the ideas led to different outcomes and stimulated to other tasks. Through this project, unexpected encounters and coincidences appeared to add more meanings to the project. In the consecutive 30 days, all the cooperators and Suzuki gained feelings of accomplishment that contributed for the community and themselves.

 © 2024 by Keijiro Suzuki

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