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Attempts in Nameless Days (AND) x WAGON


Attempts in Nameless Days (AND) x WAGON

Project Information
Relational community project attempting a series of simple tasks in cooperation. Led by Yamaguchi-based artist Keijiro Suzuki and Oban-based curator Naoko Mabon (WAGON).

名も無き日々の試み x WAGON



''Attempts in Nameless Days × WAGON'' is a small community project led by Yamaguchi-based artist Keijiro Suzuki and Oban-based curator Naoko Mabon (WAGON). The project draws inspiration from ''Attempts in Nameless Days…'' (2014-)*, a relational community project led by Keijiro, involving attempting a series of simple self-imposed or suggested tasks in cooperation. Through actively working together and making small achievements cooperatively, participants will develop mutual experience and be hopefully connected and bounded as a community over time. In this project, which is developed through a perspective and approach of art practitioners, we hope to make a modest in size yet different, flexible, sustainable, relaxed and fun learning activity, in which any one from any location can participate and enjoy.

*Keijiro Suzuki Attempts in Nameless Days… (2014-)
This community project is based on three theories: Valley Section by Patrick Geddes, the Law of Success by Napoleon Hill, and Relational Aesthetics by Nicholas Baurriaud. With Valley Section, Keijiro explored various tools, occupations, and associated stories and items from different altitudes in Yamaguchi from seashore to mountain area. In the Law of Success, Keijiro wrote plans and worked with collaborators through trial and error, to examine the power of imagination, writing and pragmatic approach to our world. And finally, in Relational Aesthetics, he created a relational situation with audience/participants as an artistic practice, rather than art objects.


《Attempts in Nameless Days × WAGON》は、山口在住のアーティスト・鈴木啓二朗と、オーバン在住のキュレーター、尚子・メイボン(WAGON)が中心となって行う小さなコミュニティ・プロジェクトです。このプロジェクトは、「名も無き日々の試み...」からインスピレーションを得ています。このプロジェクトは、鈴木啓二朗氏が中心となって展開しているリレーショナル・コミュニティ・プロジェクト「Attempts in Nameless Days...」(2014年~)*からインスピレーションを得ています。積極的に協力して小さな成果を上げることで、参加者は相互に経験を積み、時間の経過とともにコミュニティとしてのつながりや結びつきが期待されます。このプロジェクトでは、アートの実践者の視点とアプローチによって、ささやかな規模でありながら、他とは違う、柔軟で持続可能な、リラックスした楽しい学習活動を、どこからでも誰でも参加して楽しめるようにしたいと考えています。

*鈴木啓二朗 Attempts in Nameless Days... (2014-)


Naoko Mabon is a Fukuoka-born Oban-based freelance curator. As an immigrant whose body always finds itself “in-between (mis)translations”, Naoko is interested in the volatile, fluid and fictitious nature of one’s identity and how we can weave relationships with what we see as “disparate others” beyond common ground. Naoko often works with people across backgrounds, professions and cultures. Through a collaborative approach based on research, experience and conversation, she aims to make diverse forms of projects responding to the issues specific to the focused contexts, localities or communities. In- and outside of her professional practice, Naoko cares about and tries to remain something small, fragile and slow. Through this attitude, she tries to question traditionally dominant perspectives or narratives.

Keijiro Suzuki is a Yamaguchi-based interdisciplinary artist, curator, cultural organizer and art/design producer. Educated in Nagoya and Houston, U.S. Keijiro has exhibited internationally. Previously participated in environmental building workshops as an intern including Earthship Biotecture (Taos, New Mexico). Keijiro examines social/community issues by analyzing local/global context. With an interest in visual rhetoric, intercultural perspectives and community revival, he focuses on the revitalization of (un)documented inherited skills, knowledge and wisdom, and unification of contemporary practices with it. Deeply interested in natural phenomena, constellations, and associated effects in flux transgressing concepts of time and space.​




鈴木啓二朗は、山口を拠点に活動する学際的なアーティスト、キュレーター、文化オーガナイザー、アート/デザイン・プロデューサー。名古屋とアメリカのヒューストンで教育を受け、国際的な展覧会にも参加しています。これまでに、Earthship Biotecture(ニューメキシコ州タオス)の環境建築ワークショップにインターンとして参加しています。ローカル/グローバルなコンテクストを分析することで、社会的/コミュニティ的な問題を検討している。視覚的修辞学、異文化間の視点、コミュニティの再生に関心を持ち、継承されてきた技術、知識、知恵を再生し、現代の実践と融合させることに焦点を当てている。時間と空間の概念を超えて流動する自然現象、星座、および関連する効果に深い関心を寄せている。

 © 2024 by Keijiro Suzuki

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